Mcq on Subject Verb Agreement for Class 7

MCQ on Subject Verb Agreement for Class 7

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical concept of matching the verb form with its subject in number and person. It is an essential grammar rule that students should learn to write correctly and fluently. Preparing for exams, especially multiple-choice tests, can be challenging, but it doesn`t have to be difficult. Here are some MCQ on subject-verb agreement for class 7 students to practice and test their understanding of the concept.

1. Which sentence illustrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The students in my class is talking.

B. The students in my class am talking.

C. The students in my class are talking.

D. The students in my class be talking.

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: The subject is “students,” which is plural, so it takes the plural verb form “are.”

2. Which sentence illustrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The dog barks at the mailman every day.

B. The dog bark at the mailman every day.

C. The dogs barks at the mailman every day.

D. The dogs bark at the mailman every day.

Correct Answer: D

Explanation: The subject is “dogs,” which is plural, so it takes the plural verb form “bark.”

3. Which sentence illustrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. She has many friends that is coming to her party.

B. She has many friends that are coming to her party.

C. She has many friend that are coming to her party.

D. She has many friend that is coming to her party.

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: The subject is “friends,” which is plural, so it takes the plural verb form “are.”

4. Which sentence illustrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. There is two pencils on the desk.

B. There are two pencils on the desk.

C. There am two pencils on the desk.

D. There be two pencils on the desk.

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: The subject is “pencils,” which is plural, so it takes the plural verb form “are.”

5. Which sentence illustrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The doctor and the nurse is in the operating room.

B. The doctor and the nurse are in the operating room.

C. The doctor and the nurse am in the operating room.

D. The doctor and the nurse be in the operating room.

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: The subject is “doctor and nurse,” which is plural, so it takes the plural verb form “are.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial grammar rule that students should master. MCQs are an effective way to practice and test their knowledge of the concept. By understanding the rules and consistently practicing, students can avoid common errors and become proficient writers.