Shareholders Agreement Intellectual Property Clause

A shareholders agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business’s ownership structure between its shareholders. Among other provisions, it may include an intellectual property (IP) clause that outlines how the company’s intellectual property will be managed and protected. In this article, we will take a closer look at the shareholders agreement IP clause and its importance for businesses.

What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property represents the original creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, designs, and names. These intangible assets are protected by law through patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

Why is an IP Clause Important in a Shareholders Agreement?

Intellectual property is often a valuable asset for businesses, and its protection is essential for their long-term success. As such, it is crucial to include an IP clause in the shareholders agreement to ensure that every shareholder understands their rights and obligations regarding the company’s intellectual property.

An IP clause can cover a wide range of topics, including ownership, licensing, infringement, and confidentiality. It can also specify how the business will create and manage its intellectual property and how the shareholders will benefit from it.


The IP clause should define the ownership of intellectual property created by the company. It should specify that all intellectual property rights belong to the company and not the individual shareholders unless agreed otherwise. This clause is crucial, especially for startups, as it is common for founders to contribute intangible assets to the business.


The shareholders agreement IP clause should also address how the company’s intellectual property can be licensed and used. This includes the rights and obligations of the licensees, the terms and conditions of the license, and how the revenue generated from licensing will be shared among the shareholders.


The intellectual property clause should outline how the company will handle potential infringement of its intellectual property rights. It should define the procedures for reporting and addressing any infringement and specify the shareholders’ responsibilities in protecting the company’s intellectual property. It should also clarify who will bear the costs associated with any legal action taken to enforce the company’s intellectual property rights.


The IP clause should also include confidentiality provisions to ensure that the company’s intellectual property remains protected. It should outline the steps the company will take to ensure that confidential information is not disclosed to third parties and the shareholders’ responsibilities in maintaining the confidentiality of the company’s intellectual property.


In conclusion, a shareholders agreement IP clause is crucial to protecting a company’s intellectual property rights. It should define ownership, licensing, infringement, and confidentiality provisions. Including an IP clause in the shareholders’ agreement can save businesses time, money, and headaches in the future. Therefore, it is essential to seek legal advice to ensure that your IP clause meets your business`s specific needs and goals.