Zian's Blog

Show data from two JPA entity tables on same page using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf

Let’s say you want to display multiple table contents in Spring Boot project using Thymeleaf, JPA Entity and Model.

In my project I have mapped a relationship between the two entities I need to retrieve data from and am wondering how to display data from the two tables on list page. I’ve ‘category’ table and ‘product’ table like below:

And in my controller I’ve list of both category and product in respective model. Here is the snippet:

model.addAttribute("products", productService.findAll());
model.addAttribute("categories", categoryService.findAll());

So, I’ve all the required data in the model and I can access them from Thymeleaf. Let’s copy the table code from below (N.B: I’ve used bootstrap table):

<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-responsive" role="grid">
      <tr role="row" class="odd" th:each="product:${products}">
            <p th:each="category : ${categories}" th:if="(${category.id} == ${product.id})" th:text="${category.name}"></p>
         <td th:text="${product.name}">

It’ll produce something like this:

That’s all! We’re done!
If you’ve any confusion please let me know 🙂

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